Journal Publications
Below are the journal publications that have been produced by UBC-GIF. The articles are available for download from the right column and are in .pdf format. Our recent Conference Proceedings and Thesis list are on separate pages.
Year | Citation | Download |
2021 | Oldenburg D.W., L.J. Heagy, and S. Kang, 2021, Geophysical electromagnetics: A retrospective, DISC 2017, and a look forward. The Leading Edge, 40(2), 140–148. | |
Astic, T., L.J. Heagy, and D.W. Oldenburg, 2021, Petrophysically and geologically guided multi-physics inversion using a dynamic Gaussian mixture model. Geophysical Journal International, 224(1), 40-68. | ||
2020 | Astic, T., D. Fournier, and D.W. Oldenburg, 2020, Joint inversion of potential-fields data over the DO-27 kimberlite pipe using a Gaussian mixture model prior. Interpretation, 8(4), SS47-SS62. | |
Fournier, D., L.J. Heagy, and D.W. Oldenburg, 2020, Sparse magnetic vector inversion in spherical coordinates. Geophysics, 85(3), J33-J49. | ||
Kang, S., D.W. Oldenburg, and L.J. Heagy, 2020, Detecting induced polarisation effects in time-domain data: a modelling study using stretched exponentials. Exploration Geophysics, 51(1), 122-133. | ||
Heagy, L.J., S. Kang, R. Cockett, and D.W. Oldenburg, 2020, Open-source software for simulations and inversions of airborne electromagnetic data. Exploration Geophysics, 51(1), 38-44. | ||
Oldenburg, D.W., L.J. Heagy, S. Kang, and R. Cockett, 2020, 3D electromagnetic modelling and inversion: a case for open source. Exploration Geophysics, 51(1), 25-37. | ||
2019 | Kang, S., and D.W. Oldenburg, 2019, Inversions of time-domain spectral induced polarization data using stretched exponential. Geophysical Journal International, 219(3), 1851-1865. | |
Astic, T., and D.W. Oldenburg, 2019, A framework for petrophysically and geologically guided geophysical inversion using a dynamic Gaussian mixture model prior. Geophysical Journal International, 219(3), 1989-2012. | ||
Fournier, D., and D.W. Oldenburg, 2019. Inversion using spatially variable mixed ℓp norms. Geophysical Journal International, 218(1), 268-282. | ||
Heagy, L.J., and D.W. Oldenburg, 2019, Modeling electromagnetics on cylindrical meshes with applications to steel-cased wells. Computers & Geosciences, 125, 115-130. | ||
Yang D., D. Fournier, S. Kang, and D.W. Oldenburg, 2019, Deep mineral exploration using multi-scale electromagnetic geophysics: the Lalor massive sulphide deposit case study. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(5), 544–555. | ||
2018 | Cockett, R., L.J. Heagy, and E. Haber, 2018, Efficient 3D inversions using the Richards equation. Computers & Geosciences, 116, 91-102. | |
2017 | Yang, D., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2017, 3D inversion of total magnetic intensity data for time-domain EM at the Lalor massive sulphide deposit: Exploration Geophysics, 48, 110-123. | |
Heagy, L.J., R. Cockett, S. Kang, G.K. Rosenkjaer, and D.W. Oldenburg, 2017, A framework for simulation and inversion in electromagnetics. Computers & Geosciences, 107, 1-19. | ||
Kang, S., L.J. Heagy, R. Cockett, and D.W. Oldenburg, 2017, Exploring nonlinear inversions: A 1D magnetotelluric example. The Leading Edge, 36(8), 696-699. | ||
Caudillo-Mata, L. A., E. Haber, and C. Schwarzbach, 2017, An oversampling technique for the multiscale finite volume method to simulate electromagnetic responses in the frequency domain: Computational Geosciences. | ||
Devriese, S. G. R., K. Davis, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2017, Inversion of airborne geophysics over the DO-27/DO-18 kimberlites - Part 1: Potential fields: Interpretation, 5, T299-T311. | ||
Fournier, D., S. Kang, M. S. McMillan, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2017, Inversion of airborne geophysics over the DO-27/DO-18 kimberlites - Part 2: Electromagnetics: Interpretation, 5, T313-325. | ||
Kang, S., D. Fournier, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2017, Inversion of airborne geophysics over the DO-27/DO-18 kimberlites - Part 3: Induced polarization: Interpretation, 5, T327-340. | ||
Cowan, D. C., L. P. Song, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2017, Transient VRM Response From a Large Circular Loop Over a Conductive and Magnetically Viscous Half-Space: IEEE Transactions of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. | ||
Caudillo-Mata, L. A., E. Haber, L. J. Heagy, and C. Schwarzbach, 2017, A framework for the upscaling of the electrical conductivity in the quasi-static Maxwell's equations: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 317, 388-402. | ||
2016 | Mitchell, M. A., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, Data quality control methodologies for large, non-conventional DC resistivity datasets: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 135, 163-182. | |
Devriese, S. G. R., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, Feasibility of electromagnetic methods to detect and image steam-assisted gravity drainage steam chambers: Geophysics, 81, no. 4, E227-E241. | ||
Cockett, R., L. J. Heagy, and D.W. Oldenburg, 2016, Pixels and their neighbors: Finite volume. The Leading Edge, 35(8), 703-706. | ||
Kang, S., D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, On recovering distributed IP information from inductive source time domain electromagnetic data: Geophysical Journal International, 207, no. 1, 174-196. |
Yang, D., D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, Survey decomposition: A scalable framework for 3D controlled-source electromagnetic inversion: Geophysics, 81, no. 2, E69-E87. | ||
Yang, D., D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, 3D inversion of total magnetic intensity data for time-domain EM at the Lalor massive sulphide deposit: Exploration Geophysics. | ||
Song, L. P., L. Pasion, N. Lhomme, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, Sensor Placement via Optimal Experiment Design in EMI Sensing of Metallic Objects: Mathematical Problems in Engineering. | ||
Song, L. P., S. D. Billings, L. Pasion, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, Transient Electromagnetic Scattering of a Metallic Object Buried in Underwater Sediments: IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 54 (2), 1061-1072. | ||
Treister, E., and E. Haber, 2016, A fast marching algorithm for the factored eikonal equation: Journal of Computational Physics, 324, 210-225. | ||
2015 | Cockett, R., S. Kang, L. Heagy, A. Pidlisecky, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2015, SimPEG: An open source framework for simulation and gradient based parameter estimation in geophysical applications: Computers and Geosciences, 85, A, 142-154. | |
McMillan, M. S., C. Schwarzbach, E. Haber, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2015, 3D parametric hybrid inversion of time-domain airborne electromagnetic data: Geophysics, 80, no. 6, K25-K36. |
Devriese, S. G. R., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2015, Imaging SAGD steam chambers: traditional ERT vs broadband electromagnetic methods: CSEG Recorder, 40, no. 2, 16-20. | ||
Song, L. P., D. W. Oldenburg, L. Pasion, S. D. Billings, and L. Beran, 2015, Temporal orthogonal projection inversion technique for EMI sensing of UXO: IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 53 (2), 1061-1072. | ||
Rosenkjaer, G. K., E. Gasperikova, G. A. Newman, K. Arnason, and N. J. Lindsey, 2015, Comparison of 3D MT inversions for geothermal exploration: Case studies for Krafla and Hengill geothermal systems in Iceland: Geothermics, 57, 258-274. | ||
Gasperikova, E., G. K. Rosenkjaer, K. Arnason, G. A. Newman, N. J. Lindsey, 2015, Resistivity characterization of the Krafla and Hengill geothermal fields through 3D MT inverse modeling: Geothermics, 57, 246-257. | ||
2014 | McMillan, M. S., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2014, Cooperative constrained inversion of multiple electromagnetic data sets: Geophysics, 79, no. 4, B173-B185. | |
Marchant, D., E. Haber, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2014, Three-dimensional modeling of IP effects in time-domain electromagnetic data: Geophysics, 79, no. 6, E303-E314. | ||
Yang, D., D. W. Oldenburg, and E. Haber, 2014, 3-D inversion of airborne electromagnetic data parallelized and accelerated by local mesh and adaptive soundings, Geophysical Journal International, 196, 1492-1507. | ||
2013 | Oldenburg, D. W., E. Haber, and R. Shekhtman, 2013, Three dimensional inversion of multisource time domain electromagnetic data: Geophysics, 78, no. 1, E47-E57. | |
Marchant, D., E. Haber, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2013, Inductive source induced polarization, Geophysical Journal International, 192, 602-612. | ||
2012 | Beran, L. S., S. Billings, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2012, Regularizing dipole polarizabilities in time-domain electromagnetic inversion: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 85, 59-67. | |
Song, L., D. W. Oldenburg, and L. R. Pasion, 2012, Estimating source locations of unexploded ordnance using multiple signal classification algorithm: Geophysics 77, no. 4, WB127-WB135. | ||
Holtham E., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2012, Large-scale inversion of ZTEM data: Geophysics, 77, no. 4, WB37-WB45. | ||
Yang, D., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2012, Three-dimensional inversion of airborne time-domain electromagnetic data with applications to a porphyry deposit: Geophysics, 77, no. 2, B23-B34. | ||
2011 | Beran, L. S., S. Billings, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2011, Robust inversion of time-domain electromagnetic data: Application to unexploded ordnance discrimination: Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 16, no. 3, 127–141. | |
Song, L., L. R. Pasion, S. D. Billings, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2011, Nonlinear inversion for multiple objects in transient electromagnetic induction sensing of unexploded ordnance: Techniques and applications: IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49, no. 10, 4007-4020. | ||
Beran, L. S., S. Billings, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2011, Incorporating uncertainty in unexploded ordnance discrimination: IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49, no. 8, 3071-3080. | ||
2010 | Billings, S. D., L. R. Pasion, L. S. Beran, N. Lhomme, L. P. Song, D. W. Oldenburg, K. Kingdon, D. Sinex, and J. Jacobson, 2010, Unexploded ordnance discrimination using magnetic and electromagnetic sensors: Case study from a former military site: Geophysics, 75, 103-114. | |
Li, Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2010, Rapid construction of equivalent sources using wavelets: Geophysics, 75, 51-59. | ||
Holtham, E., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2010, Three-dimensional inversion of ZTEM data: Geophysical Journal International, 182, no. 1, 168-182. | ||
2009 | Lelièvre, P. G., D. W. Oldenburg, and N. C. Williams, 2009, Integrating geologic and geophysical data through advanced constrained inversions: Exploration Geophysics, 40, no. 4, 334-341. | |
Lelièvre, P. G., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2009, A comprehensive study of including structural orientation information in geophysical inversions: Geophysical Journal International, 178, no. 2, 623-637. | ||
Lelièvre, P. G., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2009, A 3D total magnetization inversion applicable when significant complicated remanence is present: Geophysics, 74, no. 3, L21-L30. | ||
2008 | Beran, L. S., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2008, Selecting a discrimination algorithm for unexploded ordnance remediation: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46, 2547–2557. | |
Song, L. P., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2008, Adaptive Focusing for Source Localization in EMI Sensing of Metallic Objects: A Preliminary Assessment: Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 13, 131-145. | ||
2007 | Haber, E., D. W. Oldenburg, and R. Shekhtman, 2007, Inversion of time domain three-dimensional electromagnetic data: Geophysical Journal International 171, 550-564. | |
Kirkendall, B., Y. Li, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2007, Imaging cargo containers using gravity gradiometry: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45, no. 6, 1786-1797. | ||
Sheffer, M. R., and D. W. Oldenburg, Three-dimensional modelling of streaming potential: Geophysical Journal International, 169, 839-848. | ||
2006 | Farquharson, C. G., K. Duckworth, and D. W. Oldenburg, Comparison of integral equation and physical scale modeling of the electromagnetic responses of models with large conductivity contrasts: Geophysics 71, no. 4, G169-G177. | |
Lelievre, P. G., and D. W. Oldenburg, Magnetic forward modelling and inversion for high susceptibility: Geophysics Journal International, 166, 76–90. | ||
Haber, E., D. W. Oldenburg, and R. Shekhtman, Inversion of time domain 3D electromagnetic data: Geophysics Journal International, 171, no. 2, 550-564. | ||
Chen, J., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2006, A new formula for computation of apparent resistivity in marine magnetometric resistivity data: Geophysics, 71, no. 3, 73-81. | ||
2005 | Oldenburg, D. W., R. Eso, S. Napier, and E. Haber, 2005, Controlled Source electromagnetic inversion for resource exploration: First Break, 23, July 2005, 41-48. | |
Oldenburg, D.W., and Li, Y., 2005, Geophysical Inversion: A Tutorial, Chapter in SEG volume in Environmental Geophysics, Investigations in Geophysics No.13: Near surface, D. K. Butler, Ed., SEG, 2005. | N/A | |
Chen, J., D. W. Oldenburg, and E. Haber, 2005, Reciprocity in Electromagnetics: Applications to marine magnetometric resistivity: Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, 150, 45 - 61. | ||
2004 | Haber, E., U. Ascher, D. W. Oldenburg, 2004, Inversion of 3D electromagnetic data in frequency and time using an inexact all-at-once approach: Geophysics, 69, 1216-1228. | |
Farquharson, C.G., and D.W. Oldenburg, 2004, A comparison of automatic techniques for estimating the regularization parameter in nonlinear inverse problems: Geophysical Journal International, 156, pp 411-425. | ||
Chen J., and D.W. Oldenburg, 2004, Magnetic and electrical fields of direct currents in a layered earth: Exploration Geophysics, 35, no. 2, 157-163. | ||
2003 | Oldenburg, D. W., and Y. Li, 2003, On "3-D inversion of gravity and magnetic data with depth resolution" (Maurizio Fedi and Antonio Rapolla: Geophysics, 64, 452–461): Geophysics, 68, no. 1, 400-408. | |
Farquharson, C. G., D. W. Oldenburg, and P. S. Routh, 2003, Simultaneous 1D inversion of loop-loop electromagnetic data for magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity: Geophysics, 68, 1857-1869. | ||
Li, Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2003, Fast inversion of large-scale magnetic data using wavelet transforms and logarithmic barrier method: Geophysical Journal International, 152, 251-265. | ||
Billings, S. D., B. R. S. Minty, G. N. Newsam, 2003, Spatial resolution and deconvolution of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry: Geophysics, 68, 1257-1266. | ||
Aruliah, D., and U. Ascher, 2003, Multigrid preconditioning for time-harmonic Maxwell's equations in 3D: SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 24, 702-718. | ||
2002 | Billings, S. D., R. K. Beatson, and G. N. Newsam, 2002, Interpolation of geophysical data by continuous global surfaces: Geophysics, 67, 1810-1822. | |
Billings, S. D., G. N. Newsam, and R. K. Beatson, 2002, Smooth fitting of geophysical data using continuous global surfaces: Geophysics, 67, 1823-1834. | ||
Chen, J., E. Haber, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2002, Three-dimensional numerical modelling and inversion of magnetometric resistivity data: Geophysics Journal International, 149, 679-697. | ||
Haber, E., and U. Ascher, 2002, Fast finite volume simulation of 3D electromagnetic problems with highly discontinuous coefficients: SIAM Journal of Scientific Compututing, 22, 1943-1961. | ||
2001 | Haber, E., and U. Ascher, 2001, Fast finite volume simulation of 3D electromagnetic problems with highly discontinuous coefficients: SIAM Journal Scientific Compututing, 22, 1943-1961. | |
Li , Y. , and D. W. Oldenburg, 1999, Stable reduction to the pole at the magnetic equator, Geophysics, 66, no. 2, 571-578. | ||
Aruliah, D., U. Ascher, E. Haber, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2001, A method for the forward modelling of 3D electromagnetic quasi-static problems: Math Modelling Applied Sciences, 11, no. 1, 1-21. | ||
Haber, E., and U. Ascher, 2001, Preconditioned all-at-once methods for large, sparse parameter estimation problems: Inverse Problems, 17, 1847-1864. | ||
Routh, P. S., and D.W. Oldenburg, 2001, Electromagnetic coupling in frequency-domain induced polarization: a method for removal: Geophysical Journal International, 145, 59-76. | ||
Phillips, N., D. W. Oldenburg, J. Chen, Y. Li, and P. S. Routh, 2001, Cost effectiveness of geophysical inversions in mineral exploration: Applications at San Nicolas: The Leading Edge, 20, no. 12, 1351-1360. | ||
Haber, E., and U. Ascher, 2001, Grid refinement and scaling for distributed parameter estimation problems: Inverse Problems 17, 571-590. | ||
2000 | Haber, E., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2000, A GCV based method for nonlinear ill-posed problems: Computational Geosciences, 4, 41-63. | |
Li Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2000, Incorporating geologic dip information into geophysical inversions: Geophysics, 65, no. 1, 148-157. | ||
Li Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2000, Joint inversion of surface and three-component borehole magnetic data: Geophysics, 65, no. 2, 540-552. | ||
Haber, E., U. Ascher, D. Aruliah and D. W. Oldenburg, 2000, Fast simulation of 3D electromagnetic problems using potentials: Journal of Computational Physics, 163, 150-171. | ||
Haber, E., U. Ascher, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2000, On optimization techniques for Solving Nonlinear Inverse Problems: Inverse Problems, 16, 1263 - 1280. | ||
Zhang, Z., P.S. Routh, D. W. Oldenburg, D. L. Alumbaugh, and G. Q. Newman, 2000, Reconstruction of 1D conductivity from dual-loop EM data: Geophysics, 65, no. 2, 492-501. | ||
Li Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2000, 3-D inversion of induced polarization data: Geophysics, 65, no. 6, 1931-1945. | ||
Haber, E., 2000, A mixed finite element method for the solution of the magnetostatic problem with highly discontinuous coefficients in 3D: Computational Geosciences, 4, no. 4, 323-336. | ||
1999 | Zhang Z., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1999, Simultaneous reconstruction of 1D susceptibility and conductivity from EM data: Geophysics, 64, no. 1, 33-47. | |
Farquharson, C. G., and D. W. Oldenburg, and Y. Li, 1999, An Approximate Inversion Algorithm for Time-Domain Electromagnetic Surveys: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 42, 71-80. | ||
Farquharson, C. G. and D. W. Oldenburg, 1999, Approximate Sensitivities for the Multi-Dimensional Electromagnetic Inverse Problem in Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics, M. L. Oristaglio and B. R. Spies (eds), SEG, 256-264. | N/A | |
Li Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1999, Estimating depth of investigation in DC resistivity and IP surveys: Geophysics, 64, no. 2, 403-416. | ||
Routh, P.S., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1999,Inversion of controlled source audio magnetotelluric data for a horizontally layered earth: Geophysics, 64, no. 6, 1689-1697. | ||
1998 | Farquharson, C. G., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1998, Nonlinear inversion using general measures of data misfit and model structure: Geophysical Journal International, 134, 213-227. | |
Li Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1998, 3D inversion of gravity data: Geophysics, 63, no. 1, 109-119. | ||
Li Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1998, Separation of regional and residual magnetic field data: Geophysics, 63, no. 2, 431-439. | ||
Oldenburg D. W., Y. Li, C. G. Farquharson, P. Kowalczyk, T. Aravanis, A. King, P. Zhang, and A. Watts, 1998, Applications of Geophysical Inversions in Mineral Exploration Problems: The Leading Edge, 17, 461 - 465. | ||
1997 | Haber E., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1997, Joint inversion: a structural approach: Inverse Problems, 13, 63-77. | |
Haber E., D. W. Oldenburg, T. Farncombe, and A. Celler, 1997, Direct estimation of dynamic parameters in SPECT Tomography: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 44, no. 6, 2425-2430. | ||
Oldenburg D. W., Y. Li, and R. G. Ellis, 1997, Inversion of geophysical data over a copper gold porphyry deposit: a case history for Mt. Milligan: Geophysics, 62, no. 5, 1419-1431. | ||
Yuval, and D. W. Oldenburg, 1997, Computation of Cole-Cole parameters from IP data: Geophysics, 62, no. 2, 436-448. | ||
Zhang Z., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1997, Recovering Magnetic Susceptibility from EM Data over a 1D Earth: Geophysical Journal International, 130, no. 2, 422-434. | ||
1996 | Farquharson, C.G., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1996, Approximate sensitivities for the electromagnetic inverse problem: Geophysical Journal International, 126, 235-252. | |
Li Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1996, 3-D inversion of magnetic data: Geophysics, 61, no. 2, 394-408. | ||
Yuval, and D. W. Oldenburg, 1996, DC resistivity and IP methods in acid mine drainage problems: results from the Copper Cliff mine tailings impoundments: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 34, no. 3, 187-198. | ||
1995 | Unsworth, M., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1995, Subspace inversion of electromagnetic data: application to mid-ocean-ridge exploration: Geophysical Journal International, 123, no. 1, 161-169. | |
1994 | Ellis, R. G., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1994, Applied geophysical inversion: Geophysical Journal International, 116, 5-11. | |
Ellis, R. G., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1994, The pole-pole 3-D DC resistivity inverse problem: a conjugate gradient approach: Geophysical Journal International, 119, 187-194. | ||
Li, Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1994, Inversion of 3D DC resistivity data using an approximate inverse mapping: Geophysical Journal International, 116, 527-537. | ||
McGillivray, P. R., D. W. Oldenburg, R. G. Ellis, and T. M. Habashy, 1994, Calculation of sensitivities for the frequency-domain electromagnetic problem: Geophysical Journal International, 116, 1-4. | ||
Oldenburg, D. W., 1994, Practical strategies for the solution of large scale electromagnetic inverse problems: Radio Science, 26, 1081-1099. | ||
Oldenburg, D. W., and Y. Li, 1994, Inversion of induced polarization data: Geophysics, 59, 1327-1341. | ||
Li, Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1994, Subspace linear inverse method: Inverse Problems, 10, 915-935. | ||
1993 | Ellis, R. G., C. G. Farquharson, and D. W. Oldenburg, 1993, Approximate Inverse Mapping Inversion of the COPROD2 Data: Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 45, no. 9, 1001-1012. | N/A |
Farquharson, C. G., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1993, Inversion of time-domain electromagnetic data for a horizontally layered Earth, Geophysical Journal International, 114, 433-442. | ||
Oldenburg, D. W., P. R. McGillivray, and R. G. Ellis, 1993, Generalized Subspace Methods for Large-Scale Inverse Problems: Geophysical Journal International, 114, 12-20. | ||
Oldenburg, D. W., and R. G. Ellis, 1993, Efficient inversion of magnetotelluric data in two dimensions: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 81, 177-200. | ||
Aldridge, D. F., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1993, Two-dimensional Tomographic Inversion with Finite-Difference Traveltimes: Journal of Seismic Exploration 2, 257-274. | ||
1992 | Li, Y., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1992, Approximate inverse mappings in DC resistivity problems: Geophysical Journal International, 109, 343-362. | |
Aldridge, D. F., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1992, Refractor imaging using an automated wavefront reconstruction method: Geophysics, 57, 378-385. | ||
Auld, D. R., S. E. Dosso, D. W. Oldenburg, and L. K. Law, 1992, Monitoring temporal change in conductivity in the central Vancouver Island region, an area with past large earthquakes: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 29, 601-608. | ||
1991 | Dosso, S. E., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1991, Reply to Comment on Magnetotelluric appraisal using simulated annealing by S. Constable: Geophysical Journal International, 106, 389. | |
Dosso, S. E., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1991, Magnetotelluric appraisal using simulated annealing: Geophysical Journal International, 106, 379-385. | ||
Dosso, S. E., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1991, The similitude equation in magnetotelluric inversion: Geophysical Journal International, 106, 507-509. | ||
Li, Y., and D.W. Oldenburg, 1991, Aspects of charge density accumulation in DC resistivity experiments: Geophysical Prospecting, 39, 803-826. | ||
Oldenburg, D. W., and R. G. Ellis, 1991, Inversion of Geophysical Data Using an Approximate Inverse Mapping: Geophysical Journal International, 105, 325-353. | ||
1990 | McGillivray, P. R., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1990, Methods for calculating Frechet derivatives and sensitivities for the non-linear inverse problem; a comparative study: Geophysical Prospecting, 38, 499-524. | |
Oldenburg, D. W., 1990, Inversion of electromagnetic data; an overview of new techniques: Surveys in Geophysics, 11, 231-270. | ||
Aldridge, D. F., and D. W. Oldenburg, 1990, Direct current electric potential field associated with two spherical conductors in a whole-space: Geophysical Prospecting, 37, 311-330. |